Access to the most advanced NGS platform in the world.
The success of your science depends on the quality of your input data. Diploide delivers results of the highest possible quality to its clients, advancing the success of its research. We have a strong scientific staff, 75% of whom have advanced degrees and we use state-of-the-art technology, including the Illumina NGS systems. By applying our experience in bioinformatics to NGS results, we can offer a Q30 warranty that is greater than that specified by Illumina, the world's leading NGS system provider. This level of Q30 warranty can not be exceeded by any other service provider in the world. The exemplary results generated by the Diploide services will improve the effectiveness of your research. The NGS medical laboratory of Diploide in Tianjin, China, also received accreditation from the College of American Pathologists (CAP), which certifies its quality. As a result of the superior information we generate, our data has been published in numerous articles in prestigious journals such as Science and Nature.
Guaranteed Q30 higher score than there are sequencing offers; Unsurpassed quality
Highly trained scientific staff to provide services and solutions
Experienced and expert services for the highest quality results.
Proven record of performance and success
Diploide cutting-edge technology to provide cutting-edge solutions and analysis. We are one of the few companies in the world that uses the Illumina HiSeq X Ten in its services. In addition, we own and operate a wide range of state-of-the-art Illumina and PacBio systems, including Illumina NovaSeq 6000, HiSeq 4000, HiSeq 2500 and PacBio Sequel. This range of systems allows us to select the most appropriate technology and system to meet the needs of our customers and ensure the best possible results. Our supercomputing capacity allows us to analyze 280,000 complete human genomes per year and we have a storage capacity of 58.6 BP; An extraordinary ability to guarantee an efficient and safe processing and storage of the large amount of data we acquire using our high capacity systems.
Latest generation NGS systems for optimal results
Technology of hardware and chemistry of first line to solve the needs of the clients.
Supercomputing to process and store large amounts of data efficiently.
Advanced bioinformatics for analysis of incomparable data.
Generating useful and actionable information from NGS is often difficult and daunting. The expert staff of Novogene helps our clients overcome this problem. Our bioinformatics experts help our clients generate the data they need to advance their research. More than 40% of our scientists are bioinformatics and our computer analysis far exceeds that of any other service provider. In addition to analyzing our customers 'data and providing extensive analysis, we offer comprehensive support to improve the effectiveness of our clients' research, working closely with them to generate results ready for publication. Our bioinformatics scientists have a great experience and are "specialists" in the types of analysis they perform. The specialization allows them to acquire experience and knowledge within that area of analysis, perfect their skills and provide the best possible results and support. With Dr. Li's extraordinary bioinformatic skills and this application approach, we have an industry-leading analysis experience that allows us to deliver ready-to-publish results to our clients.
Experience in bioinformatics without equal applied to each project.
Results ready for publication
Considerable staff of bioinformatics to analyze your data quickly and effectively
Broad support to ensure the success of customers.
Diploide has the highest NGS sequencing capability in the world, capable of sequencing up to 280,000 complete human genomes per year, including the Illumina HiSeq X, Illumina NovaSeq 6000 and 3rd generation PacBio Sequel systems. By employing these systems, we achieve unsurpassed performance and capacity for projects of all sizes, including population-scale studies. Our considerable set of systems and the experience / experience of NGS allows us to complete projects much more quickly than the main facilities and most of the service providers. We allow scientists to focus on science and do so in a more timely manner than other service providers. Rapid response, combined with our unparalleled level of IT support, gives scientists the ability to receive their data and interpretation of that data sooner and complete their research projects faster.
Unbeatable capacity, the largest in the world.
One of the few service companies in the world that uses HiSeq X Ten, Pacbio Sequel and NovaSeq 6000.
Great assembly of systems and scientific expertise for rapid change.
Employees who meet / exceed the needs of our customers.
All of the above comes at highly competitive prices with world class service / support, allowing you to do more science with your limited budget.